Now is the time to start becoming very aware of how you language your life. Learn to harness the power of your words, because changing your words changes your life.
Every time you think or say ‘I AM …’ , the Universe hears the intent and certainty behind your statement, and then helps you create it. We use the upper case letters here because you are an aspect of God/The Universe/ALL ThAT IS living a human life, and upper case letters sends a TRULY POWERFUL statement of WHO YOU ARE.
Using Light Language and transmitting Light Codes, we empower the intent behind your I AM statement.
I have created this 7-minute video to empower the statement I AM Safe and Protected. After a brief introduction, there are three transmissions of LIght Language and Light Codes. It is my gift to you. Please use it as often as you need.
Each affirmation carries its own unique Light Language and Light Codes.
If you would like to have your own personal I AM….video, we will set up a Zoom session which I will record and email to you. You can then repeat the affirmation as many times as you want to!
Please know that….
’I AM…’ , whether it is a positive or negative statement, is so much more powerful than ‘I feel..’. I AM… is a statement of your BEing.
So many of our negative self-beliefs stem from messages we internalised when we were young. If it will be helpful for you to clear the cause of a belief system, then my ‘Forgive and Release’ or ‘TraumaClear’ healings may resonate with you.
This healing carries the high vibrations of Sound and Light to clear energetic or physical blocks.
The high vibrations of Sound and Light clear energetic or physical blocks. These high-level energy processes help facilitate your healing intention, whether it be to clear your way forward, or to assist with physical healing. It is powerful, and it is effective.
Sessions typically last for about 20 minutes and can be done in person or by Zoom.
We all carry the potential for Christ Consciousness within our cellular structure and our BEing. This process will help you to clear lifetimes of beliefs and traumas which have overshadowed this Light.
At this time, we are all being called to step up and shine more of our Light than ever before. Our Light is needed….your Light is needed. Now is the time to clear away the trauma and beliefs that stand between you and your Light, your Truth.
After the clearing, your entire cellular structure will receive a download of the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness.
Sessions typically last for about 20 minutes and can be done in person or by Zoom.
Do you feel as if somehow you don’t quite belong? Do you yearn to 'go Home' (wherever that may be)?
This process can help you enter completely into this lifetime so you can fulfil your life's purpose with a sense of ease and peace. You will be able to get grounded so you can fully experience the here-and-now. When you do, you empower yourself and, in so doing, you empower others. You will be more able to reconcile with the choices you made at a soul level to come to this planet for this specific incarnation. It will include reuniting any soul fragments that may have been left behind as you began this lifetime.
Sessions typically last for about 20 minutes and can be done in person or by Zoom.
The work of clearing and upgrading your cellular structure and your DNA takes place at the quantum level - at the 12D level and beyond.
As you know, all healing responds to the clarity and focus of your intention, and this is intensified by the Galactic energies that work with you in the Quantum Healing Chamber.
The process happens in three sessions, each of about 20mins, with at least 24hrs in between to allow the profound changes to begin their integration process. You may also find you need to be extra kind and nurturing to yourself in between each session and for the following couple of days.
The session can be done in person or by Zoom.
Forgive and release all aspects of ‘the original incident’ so it no longer holds you back in this lifetime.
This powerful and profound process has been given to me by Spirit to assist in moving through core belief systems easily and effortlessly. It is intended to help you free yourself from the core, cause and effect of deep-seated beliefs and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve your highest good. When you forgive and release all aspects of ‘the original incident, it no longer has any power over you… you have freed yourself to move forward with ease, joy and purpose.
Sessions can take up to an hour and can be done in person or by Zoom.
When we experience a trauma of any kind, the memory of it can stay in our energy field until we clear it.
Whether we are aware of it or not, this memory continues to impact our lives in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. It becomes part of the story we tell ourselves and others about who and how we are, and it influences what we choose to do—or not do. If you are ready to let go of the limitations that a trauma has placed on your life, then this beautifully simple process can support you in clearing the trauma from all your energy bodies. It works not only on this lifetime, but through all your lifetimes.
Sessions can take about an hour and can be done in person or by Zoom.
We choose our parents before we are born and we set up a soul contract with them that they will create the environment and opportunities so we - and they - can learn the lessons we each choose to learn this lifetime.
Because we either don't know or can't remember these choices, we experience our parenting as less than ideal. Then, as adults, we act out of the hurts we internalised as we were growing up—and we wonder why our world doesn't work the way we think it should!
Working specifically with Ascended Master Lady Nada, Ascended Master Mother Mary and Ascended Master Kwan Yin, I take you through a simple but profound process of freeing yourself from your personal history (the story you tell yourself and others about why you are as you are). This includes forgiveness, reconciliation and healing your own inner child.
When you free yourself from childhood traumas, you can more fully embrace the joy and wonder of your innocence.
Sessions can take about an hour and can be done in person or by Zoom.
The Seer of Time is a vast Being—She knows ALL: past, present and future, across all dimensions and planes.
She is the Overseer of the Akashic Records. She has stepped forward at this time to heal the unique thread that each of us is in the tapestry of the Universe. The Seer of Time says that the damage to our threads occurred when the twin flames were split for the first time—from there, damage continues lifetime after lifetime. She will work on your thread both at a soul level and inter-dimensionally.
The whole process can take up to an hour, and is the most beautiful and profound experience. The work can be done in person, or by Zoom.
Heal any imbalances in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
This is a powerful process to bring Balance and Harmony to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. My ‘healing team’ will work with your guides and Masters to clear unresolved trauma from all your lifetimes. This deep clearing can result in your feeling clearer and more energised — and open you to new potentials in your life.
The session takes approximately 45mins, and can be done in person or by Zoom.
Heal and clear any trauma you may have experienced in the womb and during your birthing process.
If you are feeling disconnected and ungrounded—as if you don't belong here—it could be because of trauma you experienced somewhere along your journey onto the planet....either in the womb or while you were being born. This process can help you clear from your cellular structure the memories of your birth process in a way that is gentle, loving and supportive. It will help you to feel more present, more connected and more grounded on the planet.
For Mothers-To-Be
It is perfectly normal and natural to experience both joy and trepidation about the birth of your baby, whether it is your first or not. We can work to clear any doubts or concerns, or memories of previous pregnancies, so you can deepen the emotional and spiritual connection between you and your baby. This then becomes the loving, supportive foundation for your pregnancy and the birth process.
The work takes about an hour and can be done in person, or by Zoom.
Two simple, easy-to-follow sets of recommendations to facilitate your hospital and recuperation experience.
I have been guided to put in writing some of the tools and tips I’ve passed on over the years to people before, during and after their hospital stays. My intention here is to support people while their bodies are experiencing the necessary skills and expertise of their medical team — and the much lengthier process of healing afterwards at home (which was guided by my own experience). These two documents are simply worded and each is only two pages long.
They are my gift to you. Please feel free to pass them to anyone you feel they may help. Thank you.