This is the essence of my Service.
There is a team of Ascended Masters and other Beings who channel their energies through me to bring about change... mainly on the emotional and physical bodies (the heart of the matter). The team which steps forward changes from client to client but is led by two Third Ray Masters: Kwan Yin, who works with love and compassion to bring healing to the emotional body, and Dom Ignacio, whose focus is on healing the physical and etheric bodies.
Working with my Higher Self, the ‘team’ helps you clear core and cause of the events and incidences in this and other lifetimes which have resulted in unhelpful beliefs, attitudes and assumptions which underlie feelings and emotions and result in patterns of behaviour (action or lack of action).
I am a catalyst for change. When we work together, I support you to bring change into your life, to raise your vibration. You in turn send the vibration of that change out to the world (both near and far), and you then become part of the change you most want to see.
Let me help you to bring into your life what it is you have been yearning for… to become more of Who You Truly ARE… and to BE the Light you came here to shine.
Set yourself free – so you can fly!
There are two main ways we work together to help you achieve your healing intention: either by guiding you through processes and visualisations, or by using high-vibration sound, Light Language and Light Codes.
At the outset, I clarify with you the healing 'contract' we both enter into. Your part of the contract is your willingness to hold your healing intention in sharp focus while mine is to be as clear a channel as possible to support you in manifesting that intention.
Throughout the entire process, you are an active, conscious participant in your own healing, and the outcome is a facilitated co-creation between you and Spirit.
My Higher Self and I create a loving, safe environment to encourage you to release and clear limiting beliefs or patterns of behaviour so you can be free to move forward with Ease, Grace and Joy into the Truth of Who You Are.
Please get in touch (via the
Contact page ) and let me know what you’re wanting to clear/heal. If one of the processes resonates with you, please say. If not, my guidance will be to suggest the one that feels likely to be the most helpful and effective for you.
Sessions generally last about 45mins, although the Sound and Light sessions are shorter. We will connect via Zoom, and I will email you the link for the session. If you live here in Tauranga, then we will work in the loving energies of my healing sanctuary.
Please know this work can be intense, so we highly recommend that you allow time afterwards for your body to rest and integrate the changes in your energies. Please also drink lots of water to support the integration.